The Parish Council
A parish council is a local authority that makes decisions on behalf of the people in the parish. It is the level of local government closest to the community, with the County authority, Durham County Council being immediately above it in the hierarchy.
Great Lumley Parish Council meet on a monthly basis where possible the first week of the month either Monday or Tuesday at 6.30 pm at Great Lumley Community Centre. Although the meetings are not public meetings we encourage all members of the community to come along to observe and welcome contributions from our constituents via our Public Participation Policy available in the downloads section.
Parish Councillors do not receive any pay or allowances and give up their free time to improve the community they live in.
Great Lumley Parish Council is made up from 12 elected Councillors with elections taking place on a 4 yearly cycle
Councillor Phil Heaviside (Chair)
Councillor Alan Bell
Councillor Peter John Brown
Councillor Neil Bains
Councillor Carol McAllister (Vice Chair)
Councillor Tim Robson
Councillor Jeremy Whiting
Councillor Anne Lambton
Councillor Mhairi Pugh (co-opted April 23)
Councillor Norman Foster (co-opted April 23)